Effective Essential Oils for Healing Scars

The scars you can’t see are the hardest to heal but what about the scars that are visible?

Every scar on your body tells a story, whether it’s good or bad. But the mark which it leaves on your body, do you want to live with it?

Some scars may be a symbol of your bravery while some might be a sign of some tragedy. Burn marks, wounds, sore or unhealed surgical slits, these visible marks can get vanished with the help of a natural remedy.

Essential oil is the solution to do away with the unwanted scars on your body. Yes, essential oils have the natural power to fade scars.

Around a thousand years old, time-tested remedy possesses healing properties that work like magic on the affected skin. Some oils also contain antioxidant and antibacterial properties which help in regenerating and healing the skin.

When you use these essential oils in their diluted form that is by mixing them with any carrier oil, it becomes more effective. Coconut, Olive, Emu, Rosehip, and Tamanu are the best carrier oils that can be blended with any powerful essential oil to heal the scars.

Applying essential oil daily on your skin will not only prove to be beneficial to reduce scars but will also make your skin healthy and fresh.

So if you wish to get normal, healthy, and scare free skin in the most natural way, then check out the essential oils mentioned below:

Frankincense Essential Oil:

A deeper or larger would is expected to cause more scar and hence for such strong scars, frankincense essential oil works best.

This essential oil reduces inflammation and also kills bacteria to make the healing process quick and effective.

Frankincense essential oil helps in regrowth of skin cells and tightens the skin which reduces the marks.

The anti-inflammatory properties also aid in the skin repair process. According to scientific research, frankincense essential oil is a wise choice when it comes to healing scars as well as an anti-aging solution.

Apart from scars, this essential oil is also beneficial to prevent acne, treat dry skin, improving skin tone, heal wounds, and reduce wrinkles.

Carrot Seed Essential Oil:

Research has shown that the antifungal and antibacterial properties of carrot seed essential oil help in reducing scars, effectively.

It is actually more useful in healing older scars. The high level of Vitamin A in carrot seed essential oil regenerates the skin tissues and cells, helping in the revival of skin.

The herbal ingredients present in this essential oil lead to dark spot prevention. The high amount of antioxidant properties also acts as a natural sunscreen.

Apart from scar treatment, carrot seed essential oil is beneficial for strengthening the joints, and muscles, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, getting even skin tone, treating eczema, and improving the elasticity of the skin.

Myrrh Essential Oil:

Extracted from the resin of the Commiphora tree, originating from the Middle East and Mediterranean countries, Myrrh essential oil works wonder in reducing the stronger and deeper scars.

Though it is not much known worldwide, it is incredible to improve the health of the skin. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of Myrrh essential oil act as a natural healer and treat wounds. T

his oil contains terpenoids and sesquiterpenes which is again excellent for skin health.

Apart from healing scars, myrrh essential oil is suitable for treating acne, soothing cracked skin, preventing skin infections, and reducing the signs of aging.

Tea Tree Essential Oil:

Extracted from a plant belonging to Australia called tea tree this essential oil has tremendous healing potential which is highly effective in killing bacteria, fungi, and viruses, and obviously in fading out the scars.

The powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic, stimulant, and antimicrobial properties of tea tree essential oil accelerate the healing process. Due to its strong and effective properties, this oil is mostly not recommended for children.

Apart from healing scars, tea tree essential oil can also reduce acne, treat eczema, dry skin, reduce redness and inflammation and also treat the peeling skin.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil:

Again an essential oil native to Australia, extracted from eucalyptus leaves, has tremendous health benefits which also include treating scars.

The oil extracted from the leaves has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that perfectly heal the scars and reduce the marks.

Eucalyptus essential oil can be used internally as well as topically. In case you are planning to intake oil, it is wise to consult a medical practitioner. This essential oil also helps in regenerating new skin cells and treating old wounds.

You can use eucalyptus essential oil for reducing scarred tissues, removing dandruff and lice, and also to protect cavities from teeth.

Neroli Essential Oil:

Neroli essential oil is extracted from the white flowers of a citrus tree and has powerful medicinal properties.

With astringent and anti-bacterial properties, this essential oil is best to lighten scars and heal both old and new wounds.

Neroli essential oil also helps in regenerating new skin cells. Since it is difficult to prepare this oil, it is expensive but still a popular choice.

The amazing aroma also lifts up the spirits. Within a month of use, you can see great results on the skin.

Neroli essential oil apart from healing scars also maintains the balance of oil in the skin, enhances skin elasticity, reduces stress, and decreases rashes and other skin problems.

Sandalwood Essential Oil:

The traditionally known ingredient for incredible skin benefits, sandalwood is best for healing scars too.

The oil extracted from the holy plant sandalwood is used for centuries, especially in India. The antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and astringent properties heal the scars and reduce the marks.

The amazing fragrance of sandalwood essential oil also helps in reducing the stress level. It replaces the old skin cells with new skin cells.

Sandalwood essential oil is also great for cleansing and tightening the skin, reducing skin irritation, and fighting bacteria-causing acne. It also acts as pain relief for mild skin inflammation.

Rosehip seed oil, rosemary, helichrysum, geranium, lemon, lavender, cedar wood, and almond essential oils are also effective remedies for healing scars.

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