Essential Oils – To Enhance Vision Naturally

The aromatic essential oils extracted from environmental elements like plants, flowers, roots, seeds, and trees work great on human health.

Rather than just spreading fragrance, this form of oil is a health benefit. Aromatherapy is a widely accepted natural treatment around the globe to revitalize assorted health conditions.

The essential oil has a positive impact on stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia; it acts as a huge relief.

Apart from mental and physical well-being, essential oils have proven to be effective for enhanced vision too.

Essential oil can probably be more powerful than carrots for improved eyesight.

It helps to improve circulation, eliminate the risk of eye infections, soothe the nerves, moisturize, and also prevent degradation.

Different aromas of essential oils have different benefits and the technique to use it also needs to be understood or else it can harm or cause pain in your eyes instead of comforting.

Instant vision correction is possible only by prescription glasses, contact lenses, or surgery. However, if you are looking for a natural way to improve vision and are ready to dedicate time or are having mild vision problems then aromatherapy is perfect.

Here are a few tips that would help you to use essential oil in the right way to enhance vision and also to improve the appearance of your eyes:

How to use it?

Attention!!! Do not put essential oil directly in your eyes or even around the eyes. Also, avoid using water that can drag the oil into your eyes.

Method–Rub the essential oil gently on the cheeks and above the eyebrows but not anywhere near the eyes.

  • You can apply essential oil on the lateral eye area, nowhere close to the eyes
  • Apply 2- 3 drops of essential oil, 2 times a day. If needed, you can blend essentials with any carrier oil like olive, coconut, jojoba, or avocado
  • If accidentally the oil enters your eye, do not wash it, instead use the carrier oil to get rid of the pain
  • You can apply the oil gently with your fingers or by soaking cotton

Suitable essential oil for varied vision problems/enhancement

Every essential oil has its significance and benefits for vision.

  • Helichrysum – Helps to reduce or eliminate blurred vision, enhance vision, and acts as an antioxidant that improves nerve function and macular degeneration
  • Peppermint – Improves eye health as it includes vitamins A and C. It also provides oxygenation to the eyes
  • Lavender – Helps to reduce blurred vision, improve circulation, eliminate dryness, and also aids in the regrowth of cells
  • Cypress – Increases blood circulation, makes the capillaries stronger
  • Lemongrass – Stimulates oxygenation and increases blood supply to the eyes. This aroma also regenerates the connective tissues
  • Frankincense – Has association with cell degradation, lessens inflammation, fine lines, and wrinkles
  • Sandalwood – Hydrates surrounding tissues and improves circulation
  • Clary Sage – Enhances vision, reduces eye strain and tiredness

Modern lifestyle is one of the prime reasons for ill-health of eyes; however natural techniques can help to recover. The natural way of enhancing vision through aromatherapy is time-consuming but surely effective.

Other natural ways to improve vision

Along with essential oils, you can also try out some eye exercises to improve your vision.

This vision improvement strategy will maintain your eye health, reduce strain, and avoid potential damage to your vision.

No matter how busy your schedule is, you can comfortably take some time off and perform activities like blinking, palm heating, zooming, rotating, and many such quick and powerful exercises.

It will just take a few seconds or hardly minutes of yours. Perform it anytime, anywhere.

When can these natural exercises be beneficial?

You don’t need to perform eye exercises only if you experience some kind of vision condition or problem. It is wise to do eye exercises to maintain your eye health and also to avoid the need for glasses or contacts.

However, eye exercise becomes a kind of routine, if you witness any of the common symptoms like blurred vision, eye strain, tired eyes, double vision, lazy eyes, or crossed eyes. Remember, in case of any vision disorders or refractive errors, eye exercises might not be very effective. A visit to the eye doctor is recommended.

NOTE: In case of a major vision problem, consult a doctor.


  1. It’s such a mind-blowing and eye-opening valuable informations and knowledge. I wish to know
    if there are any potential healing of age-related macular degeneration with the essential oils. I’ve been suffering from it several years. I would appreciate your help very much. Thanks.
    Moon K. Yu

  2. How can lavender help advanced glaucoma? I saw an eye advert for sight savers pills which mentioned lavender for eyesight, not sure if they meant it’s in them but would like to know if lavender can be ingested and would it regrow damaged cells in the eye of glaucoma people as my wife has it badly. It said lavender aids regrowth of cells but didn’t say where? Can you advise. Thanks. Edward Harris

  3. I am new with essential oils and wanting to learn. Which brand Young Living or doTERRA or Plant Therapy is best for essential oils for eyesight?

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