10 Best Essential Oils to Heal Thyroid

Do you have a thyroid problem?

Thyroid has become one of the most common health problem/disease and is seen high among women.

Its treatment usually depends upon the level of thyroid. Your hormones, metabolism, brain function, almost every process of your body is regulated by thyroid glands, hence maintaining thyroid health is very important.

And a great way to support thyroid health and that too naturally is by using essential oils.

Yes, researchers suggest that conditions like hypothyroid can be healed with the support of aromatherapy that is by using suitable essential oils.

Many thyroid patients have witnessed positive changes after applying, massaging essential oils on thyroid. The antioxidant properties of essential oil have the power reduce the inflammation which in turn helps in healing thyroid.

In this modern age, the traditional healing process provides tremendous benefits physically, emotionally, mentally.  There are actually myriads of essential oils that have proven to improve the symptoms of thyroid, reduce hormonal imbalances, get rid of indigestion, weight gain and fatigue.

So out the 100s, we’ve chosen the best, that are 50 to 75 percent powerful and effective on thyroid.

Here is the list of the best essential oils for thyroid

Wintergreen essential oil

The sweet and alluring fragrance like mint, extracted from the leaves of Gaultheria fragrantissima, wintergreen essential oil works as a terrific pain killer.

It helps to relieve the join muscle pain and aching points that are caused due to thyroid. It is proven to be very good for joint health.

You can use it topically by blending perfectly with any carrier oil. It is one of the most favoured essential oils to underactive thyroid condition.

Lemongrass essential oil

The powerful anti-inflammatory properties of lemongrass essential oil make it the best natural remedy to heal thyroid.

This oil helps in calming your nervous system and managing thyroid health. Apply it topically on the swollen thyroid area to heal and reduce the feeling of discomfort.

Use it on a regular basis to get the best results. You can also inhale the citric essence of lemongrass with the use of a diffuser. Lemongrass essential oil also helps in hormonal balance and reducing inflammation.

Myrrh essential oil

Initially, myrrh essential oil was tested on mice which positively improved the thyroid condition. The anti inflammatory and anti oxidant properties of myrrh essential oil make it better to reduce the inflammation caused due to thyroid.

It’s been used for centuries to naturally improve the condition of the thyroid. Myrrh essential oil also helps in relaxation and concentration.

For the best results, apply it topically on regular basis and yes, don’t forget to blend the essential oil with any suitable carrier oil.

Frankincense essential oil

It’s pain killer, immunity booster and inflammation reducer, frankincense essential oil is simply the best to heal and kill the symptoms of thyroid.

Frankincense essential oil has numerous benefits on thyroid. It helps in healing inflammation, reducing pain and treat skin disorders.

This essential oil also works best in improving the digestive system and do away with the problem of constipation. Researchers also state that frankincense helps to boost the functioning of the brain.

For best results blend this essential oil with a carrier oil like jojoba or almond oil and apply it topically.

Turmeric essential oil

Used as a traditional medicinal, ayurvedic ingredient from centuries to improve many health and skin conditions, turmeric is also suitable for healing thyroid.

Inflammatory bowel which is actually known as leaky gut is powerfully treated with turmeric essential oil. The other disorders related to thyroid like inflammation, stress are also reduced with the help of this essential oil.

Turmeric essential oil has also proven to cut down the growth of cancer cells related to thyroid.

Lavender essential oil

One oil with plethora of benefits. Lavender essential oil is one of the best remedies for almost every kind of health condition.

The anxiety caused due to a thyroid condition is effortlessly relieved and you feel relaxed by using lavender essential oil. The stress hormone is balanced and reduced, effectively. Calm feelings are assured after using lavender essential oil.

This essential oil is less concentrated than other other essential oils, so you can use it without diluting too. However, it is better to know before whether you are allergic or wise to consult a doctor.

Sandalwood essential oil

The anti oxidant components present in the sandalwood essential oil treats anxiety and pain caused due to thyroid. Just a few drops of this essential oil can naturally heal your thyroid and relieve the feeling of stress.

You can topically apply the oil on the neck, feet or stomach by blending it ideally with a carrier oil like coconut oil.

Peppermint essential oil

Being popular as digestion ingredient, peppermint essential oil works effectively in treating the symptoms of thyroid.

It helps to improve the slow metabolism and reduce nausea. You can either use it in a diffuser or apply it topically by diluting it with any suitable carrier oil. Apply it on belly to beat symptoms.

Rose geranium essential oil

Having strong anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory components, rose geranium essential oil is an ideal remedy to treat hypothyroid.

Inflammation due to under-active thyroid can be cured by applying a few drops of this essential oil. Even anxiety is relieved with the help of rose geranium essential oil.

Ginger essential oil

An effective essential oil to fight inflammation and help the digestive tract to properly work, ginger essential oil is another natural remedy to treat thyroid.

As old as turmeric essential oil the aromatherapy of ginger essential oil has also shown positive results in treating thyroid cancer.

Remember essential oils surely help to manage the thyroid health but they are not recommended for treating severe thyroid conditions.

It is always wise to consult a doctor before using. Most of the essential oils are nontoxic when blended properly with any carrier oil. In case of skin allergy or sensitive skin, take necessary precautions before applying the oil.

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