Tag Eye Care

Essential Oils for Dry Eyes

Essential Oils for Dry Eyes

Though dry eyes are most common among older people, in this day and age even youngsters are predominantly suffering from dry eye syndrome. The main cause is the prolonged use of digital devices like smartphones, laptops, computers, and tablets. The…

Girl Wearing Glasses

Essential Oils – To Enhance Vision Naturally

The aromatic essential oils extracted from environmental elements like plants, flowers, roots, seeds, and trees work great on human health. Rather than just spreading fragrance, this form of oil is a health benefit. Aromatherapy is a widely accepted natural treatment…

Essential Oils for Glaucoma

According to a recent study, it is been predicted that every 1 out of 25 individuals above 40 years will suffer from Glaucoma by 2020. The experts also further added that it is already a leading cause of blindness. Glaucoma…