Discover the best essential oils for nausea and upset stomach

An upset stomach is a universal problem among us humans. In fact, not just the stomach gets upset, we too get upset with the upset stomach.

Okay, all this may sound confusing but only a person who experiences this problem can understand how a normal day turns into a bizarre due to a tummy ache. There are dozens of reasons for stomach upset but thankfully there are dozens of remedies too.  

Common symptoms of abdominal pain are nausea, acidity, heartburn, indigestion, and diarrhea. The irritation and inflammation often cause discomfort

If you think this feeling and pain are inescapable then, fortunately, you are wrong. As mentioned above there are dozens of remedies and some are quite effective.

What about if we say there is a natural and effective solution that could help you to get rid of an upset stomach?

Wondering, what is it? Well. it’s the aromatherapy of the natural essential oils.  Yes, essential oils are best known for getting your digestive system back on track and relieve you from the pain. 

Whether you inhale, add it to a diffuser or blend it and add to the bath, essential oils can work wonders on abdominal issues.

So here are some best essential oils that will specifically help you get relief from the discomfort of stomach pain:

Ginger essential oil 

One of the old and home remedies to clear upset stomach, ginger is now available in the form of essential oil too.

Ginger essential oil is said to be one of the best essential oils for getting rid of nausea and dizziness. It helps to soothe the discomfort and relieve digestive issues.

The ginger essential oil has also proven to be effective on nausea and vomiting caused after abdominal surgery. 

You can apply the diluted form of ginger essential oil on your and massage to reduce the pain and symptoms of an upset stomach.

Lavender essential oil

One super effective essential oil that works best on all sorts of health problems, without a doubt you can trust the effectiveness of lavender essential oil.

The time tested essential oil is an excellent option for nausea and anxiety. It is also considered as the number one pain reliever in aromatherapy. 

According to research, the lavender essential oil has a calming effect that can soothe both mind and body.

Whether oral, aromatherapy, or massage, lavender essential can be used in any way to relief from an upset stomach.

Not to forget, lavender essential oils even have anti-depressive effects which means it calms the stressful mind due to nausea. 

Peppermint essential oil

Not just cold and illness, peppermint essential oil is also a great natural remedy for an upset stomach.

This essential oil is mainly known for its antiemetic and antispasmodic effects.

It is an effective essential oil for nausea, vomiting, and also for diarrhea. Gastrointestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome can also be treated with the help of peppermint essential oil.

Indigestion and heartburn problems are also cured with this natural ingredient.

Just inhaling it deeply can instantly give you relief from a mild upset stomach. You can also rub it on your abdomen, massage for reducing the discomfort.

Remember peppermint essential oil is very strong in nature, hence it has to be diluted with any suitable carrier oil for best and safety results.

Coconut oil works as a great blend. Two drops of peppermint essential oil with one tbsp of carrier oil is a perfect blend for stomach ache.

Lemon essential oil

Another traditional home remedy for upset stomach, lemon. Lemon essential oil aids digestion and has great benefits on stomach health.

The soothing properties work best on the digestive system. Even nausea and morning sickness get relieved with lemon essential oil.

The citric lemon scent also relieves vomiting sensation. 

Just inhaling essential oil can save you from nausea and vomiting. The lemon scent has really some magical powers on an upset stomach. 

Fennel seed essential oil

How many of you are aware of the benefits of fennel seed on our digestive system?

Of course many, as we all visit restaurants and don’t miss eating those fennel seeds after food.

Fennel seed essential oil definitely can help in digestion and treating an upset stomach. The properties present in this ingredient is a great digestive aid.

Fennel seed essential oil can also relieve nausea and reduce the problem of gas and bloating. This oil is also commonly helpful for treating heartburn, intestinal gas. 

Chamomile essential oil

Upset stomach?

Looking for a natural remedy?

Then chamomile essential oil should surely be on the list.

This ingredient is used right from the ancient days to improve the digestive system.

It’s definitely a great remedy for gas, stomach ache, diarrhea, and anxiety caused due to abdominal pain. 

The incredible calming properties of chamomile essential oil can soothe the stomach as well as the mind. It is also an ideal ingredient to get rid of nausea. 

Common ways to use essential oils

Inhaling oil

To follow this technique, you need to take a bowl,  mix a few drops of favourable essential oil from the above choices with hot water.

Then dip a napkin/hand towel into the bowl, squeeze a bit, remove excess blend and then place the towel over your nose and mouth. Breathe gently to experience the aromatherapy.

Using diffuser

This technique is also for inhaling the aroma of essential oils. Here you need to use a diffuser to inhale the oil.

A diffuser will slowly and gradually release the essential oil in the area where you have placed at room temperature and you can inhale the scent to relax and relieve the pain. 

Applying it topically

To apply it topically, you mandatorily have to blend the essential oil with a carrier oil like jojoba oil, almond oil, or coconut oil in the right combination.

The only lavender essential oil can be used without dilution too. But if you think it can cause skin irritation, it is better to blend and then use. Apply it on your skin, massage it, and release the discomfort. 

If you think you are allergic or your skin is sensitive, it is better to consult the doctor before use.

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